Final Draft 8.0.2-For film, television and theater: text editor for script writers

As any other text you can bring screenplays with a conventional office application on paper. Much better way, however, a specially adapted text editor à la Final Draft. The shareware gives the inclined Writer numerous tools at hand with which one brings ideas for cinema, theater or television in the right shape.

Scripts should follow a certain structure and addition to the actual text contain important information for actors, camera, sound and stage technicians. Final Draft keeps the author while back free and produces text documents such formal requirements. Thus, the script writer can concentrate on his idea and its history.

So, Final Draft along with numerous sample script structures a kind of scene browser. This one manages all sequences of a plot, retains technical notes at a glance and can compare different versions of a screenplay together. Summary Final Draft is aimed primarily at professional screenwriters. It does not matter if you want to make a movie, wants to write a television series or would like a theater piece according to its own idea. The software always keeps ready the appropriate tools for each step. In short: If you want to write a script, found in Final Draft a useful by and by helper.

professional screenplay Help
Scenes browser
Comparison of script versions
Technical Notes

limited functions of trial