Far Cry 3-Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon celebrates the insane 80s

Far Cry 3 Dragon Blood brings a fresh shooter on the PC. The game brings action, madness and self-irony.
Back to the Future

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon combines with the direct predecessor Far Cry 3 the surroundings of a desert island. Otherwise, the games have no substantive commonality.
Exposed on a packed island of enemies the player fought soldiers and captured their camp. In the camps you can take side quests. Successfully complete rewarded Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon with new weapons. In addition, you will find secret items such as videotapes or television system for installation into their own arsenal of weapons on.

At first glance, the standalone expansion provides the base game Far Cry 3 are very similar: The game combines action with an open world. But Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon speaks more directly to the player: The environment is small, skills to develop linear and players will encounter less enemies and wild animals. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is designed for action and fighting and waives mystery. The story takes place outside the Far Cry saga and surprised with many elements from the 80s: the music, the dialogues and the polynuclear characters are full of allusions to games and movies this time. 

Direct than ever
The gameplay of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon hardly differs from Far Cry 3: In Blood Dragon there are fewer weapons and vehicles, and the character development is linear.

In Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon it can be the player party too hard: purely on base, empty magazine, we ask questions later. However, one can sneak up with a bow and arrow and shoot from ambush. 
Neon lights and synthesizer
The graphics in Far Cry 3 Dragon Blood is excellent. Electrifying neon lights move across the screen. Loud colors first shock and amaze later. The detailed graphics based on the same graphics engine of Far Cry 3 With its futuristic design shows the game as you imagined the future 20 years ago.

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon sounds beautifully old and wakes retro memories. With synthesizers, electric batteries and old sounds, the music fits the action spectacle. 
Conclusion: Funny and crazy
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon would have liked a Terminator movie. This is noticeable in the game from the first to the last second.

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon grabs from the start and maintains well, mainly thanks to the flood of allusions to the 80s. Despite its proximity to Far Cry makes the game more because of its wacky way a lot of fun. 
To play Far Cry Blood Dragon, one the original version of Far Cry 3 is not needed.

beautiful allusion to the 80s
excellent music
twisted and crazy

Side quests a bit long