Rigs of Rods 0.38.67-Free simulator for trucks, cars, boats and airplanes

Rigs of Rods equips the home PC with a simulator for vehicles of all kinds. Based on the physics engine beam is controlled in the free play trucks, cars of all types, boats and airplanes.

Rigs of Rods pursues no deep game purpose. Here it is purely and simply to control a wide variety of vehicles through open terrain and to enjoy the most realistic driving behavior. Thanks to real-time simulation, especially the wheels and chassis as a single flexible objects are collected in Rigs of Rods after all conceivable driving and flight maneuvers. If there is an accident, the corresponding vehicle deforms more and more.

Rigs of Rods is an open amateur project and offers wide range of expansion modules - currently more than 2000.

Who Rigs of Rods as that takes, what it is, has a lot of fun with the vehicle simulator. Without pursue a real game goal, especially friends of physics should enjoy the fact quite realistic driving and flying behavior of the virtual vehicle.

Open Source
realistic driving behavior
countless vehicles from the Internet rechargeable
running due to earlier version number sometimes unstable
Game without a goal and opponents