WebSite X5 Evolution web pages without any programming knowledge

With WebSite X5 Evolution to create your own web pages without any programming knowledge. The software performs a wizard through all the important steps and facilitated with templates and semi-automatic editing, the implementation of creative ideas.

With WebSite X5 Evolution to create individual Web pages in a five-step process. After entering basic information such as name, title and position of the menu bar, the user selects one of over 1,500 design templates. Then one defines in an editor with tree structure, the desired sub-pages and their hierarchy.

The design template and the undersides one fits in WebSite X5 Evolution individually. For each page you define visually with content fields to build and fill the placeholders with prepared elements such as text, tables, images and picture galleries, videos, flash elements a mail form or free HTML code.

The different fields is filled with mouse control, with option buttons, input fields and selection menus for prepared standard elements with the desired content. The image editor in WebSite X5 Evolution with effects and filters graphics missed an original appearance.

Ready homepages provides WebSite X5 Evolution optionally also with special features such as RSS feeds, an included as a base blog, an online store or a password protected area and saves the page, either directly to an FTP server or on the hard disk.

WebSite X5 Evolution helps inexperienced users without extensive training to their website. The numerous options, and original effects you can achieve some very respectable results with the software.

very simple operation
much leeway
good image effects
successful page elements

no backup function
individual pages editable only indirectly
disappointing design templates
slow Preview