Security Task Manager 1.7-Comprehensive Task Manager alternative with safety components

Security Task Manager shows similar to the default manager of Windows on all running processes. The difference: Security Task Manager has a particularly close eye on everything that has to do with security.

On the surface of Security Task Manager you can see all the applications and processes that are currently running on your PC. This includes details such as CPU usage, memory, a full path to the file as well as a scoring system for safety. This scoring system represents how high the risk is that one of the active applications adversely affect the security of your PC.

Various factors are taken into account. You indicate whether it could possibly be spyware, trojans, viruses or other harmful code in the applications. Security Task Manager also provides the user the ability to add comments to the respective processes. To recognize other users on your computer at a glance whether a process is not hazardous or risky.

With Security Task Manager, the user has all of the processes at a glance. Thanks to the tidy area you will find all the important functions easily and checked with a few clicks, the Windows operating system.