RegistryBooster 2012 and Clean Windows Registry

Uniblue Registry Booster free Windows system database registry of erroneous entries. The software defragments the core Windows file and creates automatically a backup.

After starting the program RegistryBooster automatically creates an inventory of the current state of the registry file and scans your system for errors. The software detects and removes invalid entries of all relevant groups such as program information, drivers, ActiveX, OLE or COM files. After clicking on Clean Registry Uniblue Registry Booster deletes the previously detected error. If necessary you previously created a backup manually or excludes certain items.

All changes documented the Uniblue Registry Booster in a log file. Click on Restore to return the computer in the event of a case back to the state before optimization. After the cleaning cycle is carried with another click by defragmenting the registry file.

RegistryBooster promises a faster computer. Whether the software actually brings an improvement in performance on the computer, each user should test yourself.

quickly goes to work
automatic backup
clear program interface

only optimizes the registry file