Microsoft Virtual PC 1.0-PC PC: Virtual Machine from Microsoft for old Windows versions

Microsoft Virtual PC turns the computer into multiple machines. The free software simulates in a normal Windows environment virtual operating systems. Especially for testing purposes and used by programmers, Microsoft Virtual PC protection so that the actual PC from damage and bad surprises.

As with any system in the system will use Microsoft Virtual PC to any Windows versions up in the simulated computer. Instead of pressing a physically existing power button, you start this virtual systems using the mouse. Among other things, Microsoft Virtual PC supports the operating systems Windows 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista and OS / 2, where you have to have the course ready installation disc.

If you have the virtual machine installed properly working PC in the PC just like its real counterpart. In contrast to the host system as mentioned, however, can be reset with one click changes in the simulated system. Damage caused by viruses, errors in the Windows system database or other sensitive areas are resolved in no time.

Microsoft Virtual PC is the widespread testing environment VMWare Workstation according to little. Functional differences give the two competitors not much. Clearly at a disadvantage the Microsoft version is in the selection of supported operating systems. Microsoft is limited to their own products, VMWare, however, paves the way for Linux, Solaris, and many other operating systems.