Isso Pack 5-Windows XP the Vista look

The free Isso Pack Windows XP gives an almost identical look like Windows Vista. With the freeware shine all the elements of the operating system in a new light.

During installation, the user, how profound the optical change is to take place decides. Isso Pack converts system files and adds Windows XP Vista typical elements such as start-up screen, or cursor skins added. On request Isso Pack installs additional elements that go beyond the scope of the original.

After clicking on continue a renewed dialogue window that serves primarily the backup appears. It is strongly recommended that there the option to create a recovery point to activate. After another click and the system reboots, Windows XP displays with Isso Pack in the garb of Windows Vista.

Isso Pack does a great job. The newly remodeled XP is to distinguish at first glance no longer of Windows Vista. The program contained in the option Restore Point meets the users. Should be remembered, however, remains: despite the new clothes is beneath the hood still XP. That looks now, although modern, but is slower than in the original