Autodesk 3ds Max 2014-Create high-quality 3D animations and improve your workflow with the new tools for flow animation

Creating custom Particle Flow Tools consist of various combinations of up to 25 different sub-operators with the new tool set to advanced data processing.

Simulation of natural and artificial forces, making and breaking the connections between the particles and the collision of particles with the new mParticles MassFX simulation module for the system.

Faster iterations by two new Cache operators: cache disks provides the possibility of particle-flow simulations forecast and to save them as separate files on the disc, while Selective cache allows caching of only certain types of data.

Access to a range of Particle Flow "freebies" offered by Orbaz Technologies that are now included by default: Camera Culling Operator, Camera Operator IMBlur, Copy Out Test, Display Script operator, Stop operator and Stop Gradually test.

Connect faster and more effectively with the new perspective adjustment tool that adjusts the camera view of a scene with the perspective of a photo background interactive elements.

Load vector graphic as a texture map, and render them as dynamic resolutions. The new Vector Map support allows you to zoom while retaining the image quality.

Better control with new features to pan and zoom the viewport as a 2D image with no impact on the current camera position.