Smart Data Recovery-Recover deleted files from hard drives and media cards

There's nothing worse in computer life than deleting important files by accident. Fortunately there are software tools that can help us recover from the loss.

One of them is Smart Data Recovery. This tool analyzes your hard drive and displays a list with all the documents that have been recently deleted and can be recovered with a somewhat high degree of success. Of course, there are many factors to be taken into account: not all files are suitable for recovery, and this depends on the amount of time that has passed by since you lost them and, above all, on the work being done in your hard drive during that period of time – meaning that the more you have been moving data around your drive, the less likely you are to recover lost files.

Smart Data Recovery is very easy to use. Simply click on the "Find" button and the program will analyze the system in search of deleted files. After that it will display a list where you can choose which files you want to restore and which ones you want to wipe out for good. This list includes extended information about each file, such as time, size and the degree of recoverability.

During our tests we were able to recover most of the data we had previously deleted. However, Smart Data Recovery didn't always find the files we were looking for, even if they had been deleted just a few seconds before to test the program.

With Smart Data Recovery you may have a last chance to bring back those accidentally deleted files.

Quick system analysis
Displays a complete list with results

The program doesn't always find deleted files