Shadow Security Scanner 7.55-Waterproof networks, servers and web portals

Software Shadow Security Scanner stuffs network vulnerabilities and computers. The software finds open ports and leaks and seals the system.

"Beat the enemies with their own weapons," True to the saying of the Shadow Security Scanner does exactly what would make hackers or attackers: About open ports, databases, distinguished Diche server types, or misconfigured hardware, the software searches the gap in the system. These attacks the protective program back to a constantly updated security database on the internet. This includes not only the known attack by hackers, as well as all the known vulnerabilities of standard programs and less known applications included. Rather, the source appropriate solutions delivers the same time.

The security issues Shadow Security Scanner detects within seconds on Windows, Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD systems. Thanks to the architecture of the program also reveals errors and omissions on CISCO and HP components. The range of the checked server types leaves no gaps. Shadow Security Scanner finds problems on FTP, SSH, Telnet, SMTP, DNS, Finger, HTTP, POP3, IMAP, IRC, Windows Media Services, Terminal Service, NetBIOS, NFS, NNTP, SNMP, Squid, LDAP, HTTPS, SSL, TCP / IP, UDP, and registration functions.

It seems that know Shadow Security Scanner really all digital gaps. The software works fast, shows problems - at least for system administrators - understandable and directly provides the necessary solution steps.