Microsoft SharePoint Workspace-SharePoint Client for collaboration in the enterprise

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace as a part of the professional Office Suite Professional Plus offers simultaneous online work on common documents. The software can be used as an integrated part of an existing SharePoint products work environment. The SharePoint technology use mainly medium and large companies with other components such as Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

With the help of Microsoft SharePoint Workspace, employees login to the SharePoint environment and work together on documents. The SharePoint structure is also aligned to the offline work. For teleworkers, for example, working on a document offline and synchronize the revised version of the file and online store.

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace is especially suitable for working on office documents such as Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, or PowerPoint presentations. Additional items such as libraries, task lists and other borrowed from the project management job aids for team work round off the spectrum.

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace makes as independent software for Pirvatnutzer no sense. The application works as a client for networked teamwork and is suitable for the server-side device expenses only as a tool for use in a larger organization. Whether Microsoft SharePoint Workspace to the requirements of certain work processes will meet then, crucially depends on the configuration of the entire SharePoint environment.

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace is part of the package Office Professional Plus 2010 and can not be downloaded individually. For activating the trial version, you need a product key that you get on the manufacturing side.