CD-Cover Editor 2.6-Automatic Cover Search the web

MP3Cover searches the Internet for covers for personal MP3 collection.

The free program works almost automatically.
Useful options
First you feed MP3Cover with their own music folders. After starting the application mark all titles goes through and loads the appropriate cover in JPG format to disk or write the images directly into the tags of each piece.

Optionally, the software searches for singles or album art in different sizes. The data source serve the ID3 tags of MP3s or alternatively the file name. If there is no information available, then simply supplements this with the built-in tag editor.

MP3Cover also provides large music collections very easily with covers. It works amazingly fast and accurate. In the test, the software was right all proposals. Alternative music or image formats remain at MP3Cover but most unfortunately outside.

Automatic Cover Search
Cover writes in tags
Tag Editor
useful options

supports MP3 files only
Storage only in JPG format